
mihini hiri o raro

Miihini Puke Kirihou(Miihini Hiri Raro)

Ko te Miihini Peeke Kirihou e kiia nei ko te Miihini Hiiri Raro, me te maripi hiri wera me te maripi tapahi hauhautanga, hutu hei whakaputa peeke tuwhera papatahi, peeke paru, peeke hua, T-hate, peeke hokohoko.

Whakapā mai

Te tere teitei e toru nga taha hiri te kumemau e tu ana i te miihini hanga peeke (e toru nga mana motuka servo)

High speed Three side Sealing Zipper Standing Bag Making Machine(Three servo motor control)

Whakapā mai
Whakapā mai

Ingoa can't be empty

* Īmēra

Īmēra can't be empty


Waea can't be empty


Kamupene can't be empty

* Karere

Karere can't be empty
