
utu miihini putea kirihou

Miihini Puke Kirihou(Miihini Hiri Raro)

Ko te Miihini Peeke Kirihou e kiia nei ko te Miihini Hiiri Raro, me te maripi hiri wera me te maripi tapahi hauhautanga, hutu hei whakaputa peeke tuwhera papatahi, peeke paru, peeke hua, T-hate, peeke hokohoko.

Whakapā mai

Miihini Hiri Taha me te whiu

Miihini Hiri Taha me te whiu, ka kiia hoki he miihini putea BOPP, hutu hei whakaputa i te LDEP, HDPE, peeke PP, nga mihini kaweake ki Peru, Kolombia, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico.

Whakapā mai

Te tere teitei e toru nga taha hiri te kumemau e tu ana i te miihini hanga peeke (e toru nga mana motuka servo)

High speed Three side Sealing Zipper Standing Bag Making Machine(Three servo motor control)

Whakapā mai

Miihini Puke Kirihou Taamaha

Ko te Miihini Puke Kirihou Taamaha e tango ana i te mana whakahaere a te PLC, te mahi whakaatu atanga tangata-miihini, te kai motika servo, te maripi rino e whakahaere takitahi ana e te motini servo, ko te maripi rere kei te whakahaere takitahi e te motuka servo, ka rere pai te miihini katoa, he pai mo te hanga HDPE me Ka pekehia e LDPE tenei miihini putea kirihou ngaio mo te whakaputa putea matotoru nui.

Whakapā mai

Miihini putea utu taumaha

Ko nga putea miihini hanga taumaha hei whakaputa putea paru, whakatipu putea, putea whakato, te tipu o te raima paraoa, te tōmato whakatipu putea rakau. Ko te matotoru o te putea mai i te 100 micron ki te 300 Micron.

Whakapā mai
Whakapā mai

Ingoa can't be empty

* Īmēra

Īmēra can't be empty


Waea can't be empty


Kamupene can't be empty

* Karere

Karere can't be empty
